“Time Bomb”, David Castillo Gallery, Miami, FL, October 9 – November 6, 2010
Time Bomb debuts three new bodies of work which continue Mar’s playful investigation of the history of assemblage, painting and popular culture. Transforming a set of Papasan chairs, these large sculptures are like undetectable surfaces which become a “supermass.” A group of abstracted gold busts made from found cornucopia baskets and encrusted in gold leaf occupy the gallery like primordial monuments. Inspired by Greek and Roman busts, they are vestiges of all that is fleeting as you read this. In the third body of work, Mar returns to the study of painting and creates a series of large wooden panels covered with ceramic masks, executed by the artist over the last year and a half (and inspired by a ceramic mask made by one Jim Clark in 1972, naturally a thrift store find). Surrounded by vibrant colors and forms, like a Tony Duquette room, the masks materialize from a mist of hyper-saturated neon colors.